
Casting for our December of Development


Dec. 10th 2021-@7:30pm


Noah is just like any normal millennial; he is burdened with thousands upon thousands of dollars of student loan debt, and he copes with his stress by consuming large amounts of marijuana. His job as a barworker doesn't pay nearly enough to keep the bills in order or even pay rent, and he survives by the grace of his boyfriend and roommate, Ryan. As Noah begins to look for options in maneuvering through his own personal debt crisis, his encroaching deadline to begin payments draws ever closer, and the stress pushes him to the limit as he tries to juggle his relationships, his finances, and his health the best he can.

 Cast of Charcters:

NOAH- Late twenties. He/Him. -A bar worker barely a year out of college. Probably stoned right now.

TARYN- Late twenties. She/Her. -A bartender that somehow doesn't worry about money.

AUBREY- Mid-twenties. He/Him. -A gay food runner that cannot do his job sober.

GRACE- Early thirties. She/Her. -A server who hates her job.

RYAN- Early thirties. He/Him. -Works at a private school. Noah's boyfriend.

VICKY- A student debt call line assistant, a health insurance call line assistant, a receptionist for a doctor's office, and a museum subscription coordinator. Just trying to do her job.

DAD- Early fifties. Noah's dad.



Dec 12th 2021-@7:30pm


There is a commercial colony on Mars, not so far in the future, called Genesis. After twenty years in existence, it is ostensibly a bastion of advanced science, but there are experiments happening that future colonists - and some current colonists - don’t know about. When Dr. Violet Scott and her husband Hale arrive, they discover that their dream of creating a new life on Mars is not what they thought it would be.


Cast of Characters:

Violet Scott – female, 30s

Hale Scott – male, 30s

Laura Bowen – female, 30s-50s Cody Atwood – male, 20s Olsen – male, 50s-60s

Sadie Atwood – female, 20s

White Elephant

Dec. 18th 2021-@7:30pm


Eight millennial "friends" gather together for a White Elephant gift exchange Christmas party. While the stockings may be hung by the chimney with care, St. Nicholas is probably staying as far away from this sh*t show as possible. People are stressed, people are drunk, and people are picking gifts from under the tree. Will they get what they want? Or will their secrets be what gets unwrapped this year?



Noah—soon-to-be head chef. 5 year boyfriend to Melissa. Pisces. Chill dude who likes

to keep the peace. Definitely non-denom because bby can’t be decisive about anything, but he’s helpful where it counts: the bedroom? Secret: he went to Jared

Catie Cecil Carrons—the fucking best host, the reason why you should tip people on

your to-go orders. Melissa and Noah’s roommate. Vibey. Has a drug dealer, but that’s no secret. She met him on Tinder. Gemini. Secret: she’s leaving in January, moving to NY to pursue her fashion passions.

Marc—with a C. Line chef; subordinate to Noah. Astrology. Tarot reader. Aquarius.

Melissa’s best friend and confidant, going on 10 years. Really wants to own his own restaurant. Caring. Compassionate. Secret: he fucking hates Noah.

Photo by Yohei Koinuma